Everything stands still, yet time ticks away...

Everything stands still, yet time ticks away...

I have made an oil painting, a replica of a painting by Claesz, as I felt it represents the scary unprecedented times which we have had this year, but still provides glimpses of hope for a better time to come.

This is an oil painting I made, which is a replica of the painting titled “Vanity” by Pieter Claesz, in 1630. Claesz was inspired from the Flemish painters. In his words, “the wine of life runs out, the spirit is snuffed... for all your learning, time yet runs on”. This reminds me of the soaring high death rates this year, due to Covid-19. There is a sense of stillness in this painting, as if everything has gone quiet. The stillness is further enhanced by the old stopwatch, as if to say that that’s the only thing alive and ticking. The seconds tick away, and with every passing second, we are reminded of death. The skull vividly represents mortality, which is inevitable and unstoppable. However, the feather signifies hope & purity, as if to say that it’s not all gloom. The meaning of being in vain is portrayed more through the empty fallen wine glass, suggesting that it’s the end, that there is nothing more left in the glass. Although this is a copy of an original painting dating back to the 17th century, I felt this relates well to the emptiness that we have faced in this year 2020. With an unexpected pandemic wiping out a substantial portion of humankind, I feel the painting shows this concept well. I love the contrast of how 2 powerful symbols, ie a skull and a white feather are portrayed right next to each other. I feel it relates to how the deadly virus has wiped many of us away and caused havoc, but at the same time, we have stood up for each other and lit hopes in each other’s lives, by supporting one another. I feel the true spirit is to understand the power of death and that the human life is temporary, but also to realise how precious the life is while we are alive and to strive to stand up for one another during times of distress.

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Yes, Anwesha, The skull does represent the dissolution of the body whereas the feather does bring hope and support by its light expression of floating like the Spirit which endures all physical disturbances and is such a blessing indeed! Yes this painting by Pieter Claesz does evoke a sense of vanity, yet there is observed a stillness in the quietude too as though for a moment tie stood still and the finale where the wine glass falls over leaving the stop watch ticking is only a physical statement of death as the feather brings enlightenment and assures us that life is precious and needs to be procured. A lovely representative painting and especially now while we all need to support others during a time of distress. Thank you for sharing this profound painting and observing how the two powerful symbols represent the concept pertinent at this time.