Emma Bunton

Emma Bunton

Emma Bunton

I have completed a pencil pastel sketch of Emma Bunton. Why you may ask. Well its not because I'm a big Emma Bunton fan or that I am having a Spice Girls moment, it is simply because she is the best largeish photo in Heat Magazine this week and I wanted to try someone I didn't really know. The portrait really doesn't look like her but then again the photo in the magazine looks decidedly air brushed anyway. I haven't quite got a full palette of pastel pencils which meant that I was limited in skin tones and eye colour. Her hair had more blonde highlights but not having a light ochre colour I couldn't really achieve that. If I get to love these pastel pencils which it looks like I am at the mo then I may have to invest in portrait colours. This time I have worked more on appreciating the curve of the facial features and received some great ideas from Robert which were a little too late for this portrait, hence the incorrect alignment of the mouth but I'll put into practice for my next one.
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