Clive's painting blog

Clive's painting blog

Painting takes time - good painting even longer!

Hello fellow bloggers - I have just got my website up and running as I thought it might supplement this excellent site and be a means of communicating with potential puchasers and other artists, I invite you all to take a look at .uk sometime and perhaps leave a comment or two. I will be adding some comment on this blog later, as and when topics occur.
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Hi Richard art is certaintly not easy but it is very satisfying and absorbing...I havn't painted for 20 odd years and taking up the brushes again made me realise this is what I love to do...the confidence is not good at the moment but family and friends like what I have done so they must be alright...i'm not posting my work at the moment because I've only a few pieces left from the 80's when I did study and i'm working from books at the moment and don't feel the ideas are mine i'm hoping to get a digital camera for xmas so I will post my old work and my new citing the books of live in a beautiful part of the world you must have heaps of inspiration...please tell us where your work is posted so we can have a look