Christian Spencer Art

Christian Spencer Art

Born In Loughborough, Leicestershire on 30th of March 1979. Married in 2005 to my lovely wife Claire. Live with our dog called Harley. Self taught artist in Oil, Watercolour, Pastel. Just like my late grandfather a self taught artist who never took art seriously as he just did it as a past time. He retired and started painting again after years, before painting in oil and moving to paint in watercolours. One of his paintings always sticks in my mind and my grandmother has the painting hanging in her living room till this day which looks fantastic I think he call it "the two wild horses". Until 2007 I never really took art seriously, I knew that I could draw and paint like the next person. How good I didn't really know, art is a personal thing to the artist and the beholder who likes your work. People who know me personally know I'm a very critical person. When it comes to my work whether it is art or photography or most challenges I take on in life, if they don't work out perfect then it's not worth doing. I can not stand it will do! I feel like I've failed, which is mostly why I'm so critical about my work. This is the beauty about art you can never stop perfecting your skill this is what keeps me going when painting. School days and College days were always a challenge for me. If it involved me doing something with my hands art, design, woodwork etc it would always challenge me to bring out my best, something that I was good at! Art has moved on so much from when I was at school but I still do not think there is enough done in school and colleges to encourage learning in different mediums for artists of the future. All the great masters we all know about didn't use poster paint which it what schools use. Looking back at my high school and college days, not once was I shown or told about oils. We learnt about Monet, Turner, Lowry but no one would demonstrate the use of different mediums to us. Probably this was why I never thought of ever looking into it as a career option. Until now, I class myself as a good armature artist. I am now deciding how to approach a career within art. I'm looking at becoming a Bob Ross certified instructor and would like to head in the direction of demonstrating in oil mediums. The middle of 2007 is when I really started putting into my art which is now growing. If someone asked me do I think they could paint? My answer would be yes. Some people are natural, some take a little time but it is not impossible. If you are just stating out I would try and have a go with all mediums, see which one you like and are comfortable with. If you want to try oils first, I would suggested to try the Bob Ross technique. Within a short time you can be painting wonderful landscapes. Buy a DVD of Bob Ross before buying the equipment, if it starts you leaping out your seat and can't wait to get a brush in your hand then try a Bob Ross course tester. There are workshops all over the country teaching the Bob Ross techniques, you never know one day I might be teaching and teaching you the technique. If you wish to try watercolour workshops try Charles Evans workshops or go and watch him at a demo, he is well worth going to see. He has given me lots of great advice and information over the last year. Christian Spencer
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Thanks Robert, they are not in my gallery but I will post the few I have done in September so you can see on a larger scale.

Adebanji, these are great. Do you put them on your gallery so we can see them at a larger size? I should check

Wow! Great! You've made my day! I hope you'll post them too!

I also have been inspired by you to do more sketching. The latest was last night when I sketched my husband in biro whilst he was doing the suduko, he didn't even notice, he thought I was doing the crossword!

I sketch everyday. When I say everyday, this means everyday I use public transport apart from Sundays. I don't always like saying this; but I AM ADDICTED TO SKETCHING. Thanks for your comments. I am so happy I am Inspiring someone out there! It really trains your eye and hand co-ordination, which is very important if you paint and draw people from life!

Your sketches are fantastic Adebanji. I don't use my sketchbook out often enough, and you are inspiring me to do so. How often do you sketch? It certainly pays off - your paintings are fab too!

Posted by Hazel P on Wed 03 Sep 14:54:20

Yes Phil, you bet! But what really happens is; I have found myself sketching a very interesting model and I suddenly find out that I need to get down, but don't want to miss the action, so I continue sketching till the person gets off and sometimes I end up showing them, if it is really good.

Wow you are busy, I'm captivated by your sketches. Q? Have you ever overshot your destination while capturing one of your sketches?