Busy run up to Christmas

Busy run up to Christmas

Busy run up to Christmas

We are just coming to the end of the busiest 3 weeks of the year. Publishing deadlines don't allow for time off at Christmas so we all have to work extra hard to make sure the February issues are ready in time to be sent out to subscribers on January 3rd/4th and hit the shops on the 6th. Plus, (just to make life more difficult for ourselves) we choose the February issues to include our 24 page 'Art Courses and Holidays' supplement so all our readers get to find out about painting holidays for 2012 at the very beginning of the new year! So it has been go, go, go every day since the January issues went to print at the beginning of December! But next week we can stop for a while and enjoy the team Christmas meal and secret santa gifts on Wednesday! We hope you have been enjoying some of the great offers in our advent calendar this year - there are still more special offers to come so keep looking!
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