O.K. Begin again in Word. The stupid blog page has disappeared again. Puzzling, its not me, honest, I’m really quite good at typing, went to evening classes to learn properly. Must be the programme that’s at fault although they always deny it. But I know better. Today's pic. is of another of my talents, Tatting. Tried to compete with a spider who lives above a friend's front door. What do you think? This morning flew by as usual, began by cooking a Thai green curry for an early lunch and whilst all the flavours were working together on the chicken and veg I managed to begin a Christmas card design for taking to the Arts Group. We all do a special, original work of art to take in on the last day of term. They all go into a bag and at coffee time everyone takes a card (not their own), so we all have a special card from the group, not a handful of commercial ones. This is one of our annual highlights. There’s usually a fuss made by whoever gets mine. The curry was delicious served with a Jasmine scented rice. YUM. This afternoon we went to the hospital so that I could have an echocardiogram, which is a kind of ultrasound thingy for the heart. I have a heart murmur which is caused by a leaky valve. “Nothing to worry about” said the echo chappie. Hmmm… Just one thing, I was attended to and out 5 minutes before my appointment time. How’s about that then? Evening class low attendance, only 4 turned up. Began drawing & painting a winter sunset scene with trees, river & figures. The gun jumpers got it all wrong with rescues necessary and the beginners are doing well. The arm’s getting along fine thanks Phil, although I still, sometimes tend to drop something because I can’t feel it. The nerve damage is taking a while to repair itself. The skewered tendon doesn’t help at times either. I’ll try to find time to read your blog over the weekend. Thanks for your kind comment Beatrice. I’ll try to find you too. Early start tomorrow so, night night All. Mo. Quote:- “Time for bed” said Zebedee. (Magic Roundabout).
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