Bosom Mitra

Bosom Mitra

Inspiring people by motivating through art.

Each and every artist is unique in their artform. We all explore various subjects and execute different form of art but the aim which unites us is art and creativity. May be, we are masters in our own subjectsm we have or the kind of art we do but we are born to explore much more. There is a weird game which I wish you all to play...You have to forget that you are an artist and think like a child.. Its bit adventurous... If you wish to see how much you can explore and master in your art just try to blend different shades of colours in a pallette and make as many shades as u can and then find out what you can make out of the result which will be a new pallette for you. There will be shades which you might have never used. You can use that shades in your subject or try to make a different one. It will be a wonderful experience after execution as we always make shades according to subject but sometimes if we try to make subject according to shades it will be an innovative form to express our art. This will be also helpful when limited resources are available with you. Our soul uplifts and we get path towards happiness and creativity when in life ,we have situations we cant change and in that time if we change us and explore someway out to be in the same with a result of happiness. There is always a brighter side of everything we just need to have a look from another perspective.
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I think we try to lose that childishness in our painting. We like to become more mature and we do forget the pleasure we had as small children creating our little "masterpieces" Then "serious" painting comes into being and with it come rules and regulations. Luckily this is now changing and we are pushing the rule-book away and doing what we want. Your idea of creating a new palette Manashree is very interesting. I may very possibly do that.