Bosom Mitra

Bosom Mitra

Inspiring people by motivating through art.

Creative people are the most divine souls. Creativity reflects the presence of divine power within innerself.  It is an expression of heart executed with the medium of mind which shows our intelligence. It brings fun. It shows us the way to heal. Being creative is the best thing which defines our soul. One should try to be creative in each and every task we perform in our day-to-day lives. Everything around us is the result of creativity. If we believe there is a creator of this world, then just imagine how wonderful his innovation is !!. We are born with a purpose on this planet and our creativity defines that purpose. Even the medium we use for our art ,for an example, the brushes, types of paints, canvas, etc., is also contribution of so many creative people. Being innovative is the secret towards happiness and it is the greatest expression which makes us emotionally strong. Creativity sprouts our imagination. Stay Creative.. Stay blessed..
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