Bosom Mitra

Bosom Mitra

Inspiring people by motivating through art.

Self growth is the biggest investment anyone can make, which is free of risks. You are only confined by the walls you build yourself ,otherwise ,you are limitless. The process of Growth is not easy, but it is the authentic power which your soul desires to thrive for happiness. Keep growing as an individual and never give up, that is the best art you can execute for yourself and for the creator, in which your life can be justified in a purposeful way. Your life is a canvas, now, its in your hands to create a masterpiece..
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I think we feel we are poor in some techniques because we need to practice. The word "bad" for some people who have very fragile egos will maybe put them off painting - which is what happened to me. However nowadays we embrace so many different techniques and levels of artistry that as long as you are satisfied with your art and have a passion for it, that, in my opinion, is what matters. However it is another matter if you are on the upward struggle to make a living from your painting. You have to make a name for yourself to attract attention. Perhaps that is why some artists need to "pickle a poor sheep" or think an unmade bed is art. These artists, and I am sure many people know who I am referring to, are good artists in their own right but if they haven't a famous name, they have to draw attention to themselves. Such is the art world!

If there is no bad art then why we feel we are poor in some techniques ? I have posted this just to make artists think that there is no bad art which comes from heart. Growing is important and same is improving. Art is always good which comes from soul.

I think there is no "bad" art Manashree only different ways of painting. And aren't we lucky there are these differences!