Boogie Street Extracts

Boogie Street Extracts

Harry Bell the Artist. His (Other) Blog.

These are extracts from my main blog, Boogie Street, which i've been writing for five years now. For links within the text which can't be seen here, please follow this link to the main blog site:
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Thanks Anni! I actually replied someone about this same question, so all I am going to do is to cut and paste my answer below----------- In my 3-4 years experience of sketching on public transport there have been maybe 5 times in those 3-4years where someone has insisted they do not wish to be sketched- and my response was only to obey with utmost humility at their request. However in those 3-4 years I have made numerous number of friends, exchanged contacts, scanned the sketches to those I sketched, some ended up putting them as their face book cover images, have told me they have used it to remember the trip. While countless others have just been awe struck by the sheer artistic exercise and have also been given the opportunity to know more about why we sketch and how it helps with our art. Hope this helps, feel free to ask any more questions, we are here to help and inspire each other.

This is a very interesting blog Adebanji. I would love to sketch people I don't know but would feel too shy and rather scared...incase they didn't like it. Have you ever met any unfriendly behaviour? I live in New Zealand now but did commute on the tube for several years when I lived there. I had trouble getting a seat most times, it was so crowded. Keep them coming, these sketches are so good to see. Cheers ~ Anni