Body work - and opening plastic bags

Body work - and opening plastic bags

Body work - and opening plastic bags

Started working a little on the background and the cat's tummy. Think I may leave her face now because I quite like this impressionist style of painting instead of trying to get it exact. When the 2 year old son of a friend of mine saw this painting today and said 'there's your cat' I know I must be getting it right! What is the etiquette about opening bags in a supermarket, this is something that I have often wondered. I cannot open a plastic bag in the supermarket at all. No matter how long I rub at the opening they will not come apart. The only way I can possibly do it is to dampen the ends of my fingers. The problem with that is that it can hardly be hygenic and I'm sure that anyone else wouldn't want to use a bag that I had opened that way. What do other people do? I know at Waitrose they have a dampner thing at the tills that the checkout staff can use, a bit like one of those sponges that you can use to wet the adhesive of stamps and they kindly open each bag for you as they pass it to you. I always feel a bit naughty for using my fingers... The children have told me that they went to see a house yesterday that my husband will rent, I was pleased about that but dismayed to hear that apparently he is coming to take the washing machine....mmmm. My only defence is that I can hopefully dump all the kids clothes at his house each day for him to wash and iron - how petty and ridiculous, if this is the war that I am now in with him then it's pretty tragic, slightly hilarious and madly frustrating...
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