Art Foundation Student - Colour Theory lessons

Art Foundation Student - Colour Theory lessons

Art Foundation Student - Colour Theory lessons

Although I love monochrome - working without colour for five weeks proved to be quite a task! We have recently started on colour theory at college, which is a very refreshing change. Colour theory has many definitions, concepts and design applications - enough to fill several encyclopaedias! However, the three basic categories of colour theory that I used were the colour wheel, colour harmony, and the context of how colours are used. Colour theories create a logical structure for colour. We can organize them and place them on a circle that shows the colours in relation to each other. There are also definitions (or categories) of colours based on the colour wheel. We started with a 3-part colour wheel. Primary Colours: Red, yellow and blue
primary colours. All other colours are made from these 3 colours. Secondary Colours: Green, orange and purple
These are the colours formed by mixing the primary colours. 

 Tertiary Colours: Yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green & yellow-green
These are the colours formed by mixing a primary and a secondary colour. This is what we have been studying for the past week, and we are now moving on to a mini project only lasting a mere two days. It is called buildings on the body and we will create a piece of clothing based on a building built in the last 50 years, I am very intrigued as to how this will all turn out! I will let you know! Millie
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