Anns Attempt at Portraits

Anns Attempt at Portraits

National Portrait Gallery...Here I Come!!!!!!!!

National Portrait Gallery...Here I Come!.....Well, give me a few years and I might stand half a chance! I gave up my job in microbiology about 4yrs ago and decided to start making veils , tiaras and more in order to earn a living. It didn't quite happen like that, because everything I earnt had to go back in to build up the business. Glad to say it has taken off and I can now start to do something that I have dreamt of for many years..... My husband bought me all that I needed to start painting portraits, as my Christmas now all i've got to do is get on with it! Easier said than done! I thought I'd be really brave and put my first efforts onto your gallery page. I've used acryllics for the first time and really like them. This seems to be a great site and I look forward to learning lots.
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