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Anne D'Alton's Art Blog - Artistic Impressions.
Anne D'Alton's Art Blog - Artistic Impressions.

the media love the term artistic impressions, but does this apply to you?
Many artists use their pencils and paints to portray what they see, exactly as if it had been viewed through the view-finder of a camera. In other words, they tend to err on the side of reality.
But what about using a bit of iniative? Take for example that landscape.
Yes it is very paintable, but what about those horrible buildings, that old
tree, that unsightly mound? All of these can be moved around or removed, to create a work that will entice and entrance your viewers.
Sea-scapes and river-scapes too can be given the same treatment. If there are errant boats, buildings or even people to obstruct your work - change their location or take them out of the equation altogether!
Obviously still-life is subject to much change, but so are works depicting
buildings. Roofs can be altered pitch-wise; windows and doors can
be enlarged, diminished or taken away and the same applies to chimney
stacks and pots.
From to-day, start viewing and illustrating - not what you see, but what
you wish to see and your work will come on in leaps and bounds.
Enjoy your work.
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