about me and my family

about me and my family


I am an amateur artist and have been painting on and off sinse school days. I paint in watercolour, acrylics and very occasionally, oils. I live near the coast in East Kent (Thanet) having moved from the North East in 1980. I sell two or three paintings per year which pays for materials and frames and have given several paintings to charity raffles etc. I am married with one son who lives in London and is musical rather than artistic playing guitar and keyboards very well. My husband is retired having been in the armed services for 25 years and 18 years managing a home for elderly exservice men amd women. His main interest was sailing which he had to give up a couple of years ago. We enjoy caravanning very much and do more of it now that Alan no longer has a boat. So, that is a litlle about me and my family I hope it is sufficient to give a small profile of me..
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