A pictorial alphabet of favourite places around England – K for Kettleshulme

A pictorial alphabet of favourite places around England – K for Kettleshulme

A pictorial alphabet of favourite places I've sketched and painted around England.

flooded path nr kettleshulme sml

Kettleshulme is a small village on the Cheshire / Derbyshire border, up in the hills at 300m above sea level, and another handy destination for a sketching walk on a rained-off Tuesday morning. Kettleshulme was once a centre for the manufacture of candle-wick material but this ceased in 1937. The 18th century Lumbhole Mill is a Grade II listed building, described by English Heritage as "the last example of a mill where water-powered and steam machinery were used together and survive intact”. You would think, with a wealth of old stone buildings in the village, I could find a more appropriate painting than a tree and gate that could be anywhere to illustrate this blog, wouldn’t you? My only justification is that the painting “Flooded Path near Kettleshulme” was chosen by Artists & Illustrators magazine for a full page feature in their May 2020 edition, so I’m quite proud of it.

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