A pictorial alphabet of favourite places around England – H for Higher Poynton (2)

A pictorial alphabet of favourite places around England – H for Higher Poynton (2)

A pictorial alphabet of favourite places I've sketched and painted around England – H for Higher Poynton (2)

May sunshine on the Park Pit track auto sml

The pleasant rural farmland of Higher Poynton sits on top of a coalfield and is peppered with the remains of 74 separate 19th century pits. These ranged from shallow tunnels to deep shafts, and output peaked at 243,000 tons per annum in 1859. This had reduced to 80,000 tons by the 1920’s and the last pit closed in 1935. Being close to the Macclesfield Canal was an early advantage for transport but the coal was increasingly sent by rail, with two private lines being built through Prince’s Wood to join the sidings at Poynton station. These trackbeds are now managed footpaths, and the main route for walkers from Poynton to the canal. The industrial archaeologist can still find many sites where the brick & stone remains of buildings have become overgrown and hidden by trees. This painting was done on the site of the old Park Pit.

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