A pictorial alphabet of favourite places around England – B for Bosham

A pictorial alphabet of favourite places around England – B for Bosham

A pictorial alphabet of favourite places I've painted and sketched around England


Bosham is an old village in Chichester Harbour, West Sussex. Unlike Southwold’s harbour which is a stretch of riverside moorings, Chichester Harbour is a huge horseshoe bay with promontories and inlets, each sheltering a different coastal community. Bosham’s large bay has a very wide tidal range, being totally mud at low tide, leading the unwary to park at the edge, only to find the high tide up to their wheel arches. The village also claims two historical connections. It claims to be the site of King Canute’s legendary, and unsuccessful, attempt to turn the tide back (tell that to Knutsford). More tragically, Canute's 8 year old daughter drowned there and is buried in Bosham Church. Later, King Harold sailed from Bosham to negotiate with William of Normandy in 1064. Another right royal failure, as William became the Conqueror two years later. Not an auspicious place for royalty, then, but perfect for sketchers and painters as there is always interesting light on one side of the bay, and varying amounts of water or mud. And Breeze is a super teashop for a break, with big windows overlooking the water. From the side windows you can exercise your schadenfreude and watch the tide rising around the vehicles of people who can’t read the warning notices.

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Glad you like it.We stay near Midhurst every year and Bosham is our one must-go-to place, for a walk around the bay (and across when the tide's out).