A bit of Luck

A bit of Luck

A bit of Luck

Well, what a stroke of luck!!! My study of a jug with pears (New work) has been chosen to feature in the "Leisure Painter" as the editors choice in the November issue 2011. After a morning of sketching various compositions, this quick sketch appeared. Sometimes it is often the things we do quickly that seem to surprise us and also DELIGHT us, for we end up with something unexpected. When we know the rules, we can break them, knowing the decisions we make are born of knowledge. I love to paint from actual things for in knowing them, we understand it. I find photographs flat and somewhat uninspiring, however, they have a place as back up, but there is, I believe no real substitute for actually drawing, for every painting should be underpined with draftsmanship.
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Hi Patsy...........love the cute little dogs...........On the note of brush painting as long as it works for you who care if you don't hold the bruch the way they say.......its all about what makes it fun and what works for you.............just though i would drop in and say a HUGE thanks for your lovely comments on my work...........just what i needed after a really long and hard week off work........take care ...ruthy

H,i Patsy, lovely little dogs. Sorry to hear you have got trouble with your hands ( is it arthritis?) but don't give in. Thank you for your kind comments. What do I have to type in to look back over your portfolio. I'm sure you must have done some new things which I have missed. Am I the only one who has a problem finding pictures once they have disappeared from the first viewing.? The pictures in the gallery don't seem to be in any order or am I missing something. I try to surf through to find new pictures but now that there are 98 pages it is a bit difficult.

Hi Patsy. A really cute duo there. I was commissioned to paint dogs last year. I began in trepidation with the tonal drawing but it wasn't half bad in the end. I'll put it in the gallery so that you can see the result. Keep it up. M.

Hi Patsy, cute guys!. Glad you are keeping on with the chinese painting. You are right not to worry whether it is correct or not, it's the fun of trying and seeing what results you get. Thanks for your commemts on my silk paintings. I went to a demonstration at my Art Society and saw Rachel McNaughton do this wonderful silk painting and I was hooked. My first efforts were, to say the least, awful but I stuck at it and now I really enjoy it. The reason the colours are so bright is because the finished painting has to be mounted on bright white mount board. This then shines through the silk paint and you get the bright effect. It would take too long to describe the ins and outs of silk painting but if you go on U Tube and type in Jill Kennedy you can see her demos on Silk painting. Well worth the watch! We have been hearing about the fires in Oz and it is so distressing. What is the world coming to! Keep your eyes open for that SPIDER! scary! I would never rest Best wishes Pat.

What cute little dogs, as you say better than your lady!!!! Like you we can't seem to hold things for too long, me with mis-shaped hands & Max with the shakes, but we endeaver to keep going. Do some of your chinese brushwork now & again we think its very promising, it must be a hard media to conquer, you are braver than me i would make a mess of it, i admire your pluck in sticking with it i really do. LoL