A bit about me and my Art

A bit about me and my Art

Caitlin Stone's Art

Well my name is Caitlin, I'm new at this, so not sure what to say. My Art may not seem to be the prettiest or the best out there, and they are some disturbing drawings. But there's a lot behind them. I draw things upsetting, because I went through a lot of pain in the past, and it was the only therapy for me to get my pain out, and into my drawings. And imagination, I love making things up. It doesn't mean that i'm sick and twisted, or gone in the head. Not everyone see's life in rose coloured glasses. Life is not as perfect or happy as what people can make it out to be. And yeah it sometimes nice to draw pretty things. And some of my work is Illustrative.There's nothing wrong with thinking out side of the box, because being normal is boring. There's always room for new ideas and inspiration out there. So why not start? Everyone has different opinions, views and idea's on things, that's what makes it more unique. Not everyone is going to draw the same thing. Most of my work is shaded in blue's and purple's, to represent Death, and not just Life its self. And I put my age on my Art work, just so people know how old I was when I drew it. Thank you to anyone who toke the time to read this =). I also have a Facebook Page =) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Caitlin-Stones-ART/203644913055543?ref=hl
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Hi Lilias have visited your gallery tonight and left some comments some lovely work...I didn't get time to make a comment on each one so take the comments for all please

http://www.painters-online.co.uk/gallery/albumlist.asp?user=8973 AS Lilias Sneddon....perhaps copy this line into your 'More Info.?

Thankyou Lilias a lovely name by the way