Allan Bateman


I'm an adult hobby artist learning many basics still and trying to decide what medium I most enjoy and 'fits' with me. I'm a Salvation Army Officer/Minister in New Zealand, but in my earlier secular working life qualified and worked as as Architectural Draughtsman. Perspectives were a part of my work then, and I find the lessons of composition and editing still with me now. My draughting background doesn't really help me be loose and fluid - I have to fight the temptation of relying on line work to create shape, and am learning to suggest shape and form and prominence merely with colour where I can. To date I have really only started works that I was confident about the end result. I'm hoping the forum will help me relax more and explore various media and help me funnel my creativity. I am blessed to live in the beautiful place I do which abounds in inspiration. I hope I can encourage others along the way.