A Vision of Segovia, Spain was painted en plein air on one of my frequent visits to Spain, this fairly complex scene with its large array of typically Mediterranean ochre coloured buildings made the perfect composition. But as always, I’ve not concentrated on any great degree of detail, it’s more about trying to capture something of the ambience of the scene, which was completed over two sessions on consecutive days.

A Vision of Segovia, Spain, oil on MDF 20 x 20in (508 x 508cm)

I rarely paint on a white background, so I’d previously toned down my white gessoed MDF panel a day or two earlier so that it would be bone dry, using a wash of burnt sienna and titanium white.  

This gave me a gorgeous warm earth colour to work on, exactly what I was after for this particular scene, and I knew that some of this colour would show through in the finished piece, helping to maintain some degree of continuity throughout the painting – always helpful!

Demonstration: A Vision of Segovia