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How to paint birds in flight

Becky Thorley-Fox advises on strategies for capturing birds in the air and feeding in groups and demonstrates a painting of geese against an autumn sunrise.

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Painting a cockerel in watercolour with June Crawshaw

June Crawshaw paints a cockerel in watercolour

Painting penguins - Not as black and white as it seems

On World Penguin Day, Annie Broadley explores how a trip to Antarctica proved a painting revelation and inspiration.

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Painting birds from photographs with Chris Pendleton

How to paint an image of a garden bird, from processing a digital photograph on your computer to the finished watercolour portrait, with Chris Pendleton

Nature studies, painting blackbird's eggs in watercolour with Paul Hopkinson

Take out your smallest brushes and a handful of colours to paint a blackbird’s eggs in all their beauty, with Paul Hopkinson

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A simple guide to drawing a Snowy Owl with Jonathan Newey

Jonathan Newey demonstrates how to draw a Snowy Owl

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