Oil Painting with Martin Kinnear
Read additional information on oil painting from Martin Kinnear, to accompany his recent series in Leisure Painter.

Following his popular series on oil painting in Leisure Painter, artist, tutor and director of Norfolk Painting School, Martin Kinnear, has provided additional information to help improve your oil painting skills.
At Norfolk Painting School Martin teaches the skills of traditional and contemporary painting. Founded in 2007 by Martin and Jane Kinnear it is one of the UK's leading painting schools, as well as a working studio and gallery. The aim of the school is to provide artists of all abilities with structured, hands on tuition in the art and craft of oil painting as well as friendly personal guidance to students, many of whom return year after year.
In his five-part series, moving to oils, which commenced in the November 2015 issue of Leisure Painter, Martin has covered many of the challenges facing the artist new to oil painting, and has shown how to transfer exisiting skills in other mediums to using oils. The series culminates in the March issue, with a step-by-step demonstration to paint The Angelus after Millet (see below), saying that 'learning from the Masters and their paintings is immensely valuable to the beginner oil painter.'
You can purchase back issues of Leisure Painter to read Martin's complete series of articles, which ran from November to March, by clicking here.
We are happy to share Martin's additional information to accompany his series, in the form of this downloadable booklet. Click on the cover below to access this valuable resource on oil painting for the beginner.
To find out more about the courses on offer at Norfolk School of Painting please visit the website www.norfolkpaintingschool.com
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