Bus pass Britain

Bus pass Britain

Great use of the bus pass Christine

It's Lovely Christine :)

A great patchwork of colourful countryside Christine. Best make use of the bus pass they might take it off us soon.😏

Thank you Dennis, Maria and Carole.

As soon as I saw this I immediately thought patchwork quilt.....great use of colour, and bus pass Christine!

And you can even use your bus pass to paint with - love the way you have woven the shapes in this Christine.

I had to look again when I saw this painting Christine. We have a hill just like it not far away - it is called May Hill and has a clump of trees on the top just like this. If you google 'May Hill, paintings and drawings by Valerie McLean, you will see what I mean. This is very similar.

Love the patchwork effect of the fields, which you have played up with clever use of colour. I also like the little group of trees right on the top of the hill with the little road leading up to them. I think this one is called 'thinking outside the box' as you haven't just gone down the route of merely painting what was in front of you but have added your own personal dimension to it - just as art should.

Thank you Fiona, Michael, Julie, Gudrun and Thea. Julie, I googled your May Hill, it is very similar is'nt it? The trees on the top,of Colmer Hill are Caledonian Pine, planted during WW1. It is a fascinating place and dominates the local landscape. The surrounding countryside does give a patchwork effect too.

Just outside Bridport I think, I have walked that area, when I could do cross country walks. This could work as a smashing abstract without the clump on the top but please don't fiddle with it Christine.

You're right Derek, it's in a place called Symondsbury near Bridport, a beautiful,part of the country. Thank you for commenting.

Sterling work Christine!

Love the patchwork fields, and how the lines move the eye around. Lovely work, Christine!

Hang on Studio Wall

on a recent holiday in Dorset we abandoned our car and used our bus pass to explore the region. I was fascinated by the view of Colmer's Hill, a local landmark. I did this painting from photo's taken from the top deck of the double decker bus,!

About the Artist
Christine Davies

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