Tibetan Boy

Tibetan Boy

This is great work William, you have captured the facial expressions on all your paintings with great detail. Excellent ! Pat Scott

I've seen that expression on my teenage son! Marvellous work, extremely impressive hair and I like the tonal values

The hair is fantastic, the light falling on his face , brilliant.

This is an enormous size to do in coloured pencil. It must have taken you months.

I have choosen this painting to leave a comment but I love all of them. What an incredible portfolio ! You have mastered this medium wonderfully well. I love it.

Lost for words!!! Brilliant.

I want to say the same as Beatrice about the portfolio - they are amazing pieces of work and to my mind do not need to be 'finished' in any other way - I look forward to seeing other work some time.

This is one of the best things I've ever seen in any medium - the detail in the fabric of his clothes, the wild hair, the superb skin tones and the capturing of that highly suspicious expression on the boy's face add up to a masterpiece.

This is my favourite of all your portraits. The detail you have is stunning and the expressions are wonderful. Love the shadows on the face and the texture of the hair. Incredible!

Really beautiful work, stunning detail and light.

Hang on Studio Wall
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Name: Tibetan Boy Size: 51.5cmx71cm Material: Colored pencil on paper

About the Artist
william woo

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