Morning Walk

Morning Walk

Turned out great, Tony.

Lol....I thought it was only me that thought painting was a sure way of having a coronary, or something similar Tony. Despite your struggle it’s turned out wonderfully. That’s a chilly sky even if bright and it appears there is a nip in the air.

Its a lovely painting Tony. I know what you mean sometimes when its just not working it really does seem like hard work!!! however, this for me has worked I love the water and the beach and it has life. Good stuff.

Seth, thanks for your appreciation. Fiona, it was chilly, goes back to February! I’ve not been working on it since then though. Yes, Rachel, this certainly felt like hard work at times, it was chucked into the corner at one stage to sand it down and start something else on it!

Hang on Studio Wall

Based on a walk on the beach earlier in the year (hence the hat and coat). I have lost count of the number of times this painting has been on and off the easel as it just wasn’t working out. Had another go this weekend and now have decided enough is enough....who said painting was relaxing!

About the Artist
Tony Osborne

I have always enjoyed 'making and doing things', whether woodworking and cabinet making, cooking (but not's just too precise for me!), gardening, illustration, sketching and painting. So having recently retired I took the opportunity to spend some more time practicing my artwork. As a…

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