Koi Matlock bath, ink on A2

Koi Matlock bath, ink on A2

Good grief, are those carp still there!! I think the first time I saw them I was about eight....that’s a long, long time ago. Great colours and movement Justin.

Hi Fiona ... they are more killer whale than koi now, they are massive

Lol.....I wonder how old some of them are. Have they spruced the bath house up, it always looked a bit of a wreck. Do they still have the big bike meets on bank holidays and Sundays there? I loved the ride to Matlock bath in the morning , grab fish & chips then go on and do the cat & fiddle run...what a day! Last time I did it.....about twelve years ago......most of the roads had 50mph speed limits. Thanks for the trip down memory lane Justin.

Life , movement and colour. Great .

Great colours Justin. Love it.

Beautiful painting and colours as ever, Justin.

Hang on Studio Wall

About the Artist
Justin Twigg

Now living the dream, cycling, painting and playing music as much as my side hustles will allow. Recently I’ve been teaching both A and O level Art and Photography at a local college two days a week, which has been a lot of fun, and I’ve learned a thing or two myself. justintwigg.com

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