spate stream, Uist

spate stream, Uist

Lovely painting, Syd. Could be volcanic, there are a lot of volcanos in Scotland and that pointed peak in the background looks like one

Rocks fall down mountains all the time, I'm sure, Syd. Good choice of scene, nicely done. I particularly like the rocks :-)

Good representations of the rocks and the water. I think the tree should be painted with darker tones to make it more prominent.

A well balanced painting I like the composition. I think you'll find that giants put the rocks there so the wee folk could hop across them to cross the river easier.

Posted by K 0 on Sun 12 Jan 10:01:09
Hang on Studio Wall

this was taken from a photo. these rocks were all there. How did they get there. Glacial .?

About the Artist
Syd Edward

middle management in North of Scotland Hydro Electroc Board until retiral ...Grad I Mech E and Ex A M I Mech E. Drawing and painting since early ninety fifties off and on . Keen gardener have 16mm scale railway with live steam engines and railway buildings and figures in my garage. I read lots…

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