Sennen Revisited: I Envy Those Who Leave No Wasted Years In Their Wake

Sennen Revisited: I Envy Those Who Leave No Wasted Years In Their Wake

Ah, but how do you calculate wasted years? We all have wasted years, whether we seek to avoid them or not - only the self-deceiving believe that these years are in any way under our control. These people may achieve success, in conventional terms; but are forever ignorant of the reality of other people's lives, in which the element of choice never existed. And I don't envy them at all, because most of them will have learned bugger all with sparkly bells on - define 'wasted', Steve .... before you apply the term. Well there you are - a challenge; what a complete pain inth' backside...... Sorry, I know this is mostly faffing about - it's just that the older I get, the more sensitive I am to remarks about 'wasted' years, given I haven't got that many left! I wasted some 40 years, by some reckoning, working for a political party and the NHS - but then who calculates what was wasted? Would I have done better to simply serve myself? Financially, yes, absolutely - but if I reached my present age thinking that's ALL I'd ever done, with a big fat mortgage behind me and an even fatter pension..... there just wouldn't have been any point,would there? You never thought that the posting of a quite simple picture would have led to a response of this vast length, I realize.... Sorry about that. Still like the painting, though!

Phew...Glad you like the painting Robert, as for the title. I was feeling whimsical one day as I watched my son and daughter in the surf without a care in the world. 'Wasted' is a state of mind that the young don't feel. They're too busy living in the now which negates the past, I like that. All the best, Steve.

Yersss - as you were. Like, as I said, the painting. Not sure it deserved the effusion of faux-philosophy (well, I'm sure it didn't). But this is what you get when you apply a title inviting comment; I bet you won't do THAT again! We have many surfers down here, who visit the local coast - they come from all over the world: I wonder how they finance themselves, but it seems they can ... are they living their lives, or just passing time? Avoiding wasted years. or indulging in them? Is this more or less important than working for, say, an international bank, finance house, major consultancy? I have absolutely no answers to these questions: but, if I had a son or grandson (as it is, I have a nephew and niece) I'd much rather they enjoyed and fulfilled themselves in broadly artistic pursuits than sold their intellects to investment banking.

Love the painting, live one day at a time , yesterday has gone, tomorrow isn't here yet.

I think this is just lovely. I love the colours and textures and I daren't say anything about the title.

Cheers Carol and Dawn, All the best, Steve.

Hang on Studio Wall

18 cm x 18 cm acrylic on canvas

About the Artist
Steve Strode

Why not visit me on and sign up for my monthly newsletter. I've been painting for about twenty five years now and teaching for about twenty. Specialising in Art and Education, I tutor on a Painting Degree and deliver my own courses, workshops and demonstrations in painting…

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