

Gorgeous perspective in this of course Steve, lovely colours as well and the hill leads up to the blue sky, lovely light and shade on the way up

Cheers Ros, And thanks for all your comments on the other paitings, much appreciated. All the best, Steve.

Look forward to seeing the demo in LP, great painting

Thanks Glennis, All the best, Steve.

I love the light in this painting and will have a good look in LP.

Cheers Satu, All the best, Steve.

Hang on Studio Wall
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This painting is part of a step by step demonstration. The last in a four part series for Leisure Painter magazine, part one is out now in the June edition.

About the Artist
Steve Strode

Why not visit me on and sign up for my monthly newsletter. I've been painting for about twenty five years now and teaching for about twenty. Specialising in Art and Education, I tutor on a Painting Degree and deliver my own courses, workshops and demonstrations in painting…

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