Out Of the Blue

Out Of the Blue

This made me smile. Expertly painted and a great title.

Cheers Val, I got a grin out of it too :-) All the best, Steve.

Hang on Studio Wall
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18 cm x 10 cm oil on canvas mounted on board. One of the 'Still Life With a Twist' series that I've revisited and tidied up a little; I never originally liked the background, I was too interested in the main idea but this one looks a little better. I think it serves to remind me that all areas of the study play their part.

About the Artist
Steve Strode

Why not visit me on stevestrode.com and sign up for my monthly newsletter. I've been painting for about twenty five years now and teaching for about twenty. Specialising in Art and Education, I tutor on a Painting Degree and deliver my own courses, workshops and demonstrations in painting…

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