In the park 2

In the park 2

Very lively and spontaneous feel to this piece, Stephen. Well done!

Interesting composition Stephen. Leading line with horizontal shadows across it. The trees are beautifully painted but the path seems too wide in the foreground. Maybe it's just me.

Many thanks for your encouraging thoughts everyone. Comparing my painting with the photo, I have made the path a little wide in the foreground Christopher.

A nice little painting Stephen, but you seem to have painted the nearest shadows in the colour of the trees and with details on the trunks - and shadows are not like that! Also, while the direction of the shadows may be true to life, they unfortunately take ones eyes out of the picture via the bottom right hand corner. This is meant to be helpful!!

This is lovely Stephen. Love the tree shadows.

Many thanks Lionel and Adele for your thoughtful comments.

I like the way the leaves are done with simple brushmarks Stephen.

Many thanks Carole. I used a half inch flat brush, twisted up in the palette, gives a random effect, shown to me on a course many years ago, don't need all these gimmicky foliage brushes they all sell these days.

Hang on Studio Wall

From another recent photo, this time in watecolour.

About the Artist
Stephen Slater

I am a self taught amateur painter, I mostly paint landscapes in watercolour but I 'dabble' in other mediums from time to time. I really enjoy my art, especially painting outdoors when the weather allows.

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