Buttermere Lake, after Edward Wesson.

Buttermere Lake, after Edward Wesson.

The far end of Buttermere and Fleetwith Pike. You can't get much better than this glorious valley. Lovely work, Stephen. Brian

Terrific painting Stephen. Love the Lake District. This is the first year in ten that I’ve missed visiting it.

Gorgeous colour Stephen.

Many thanks Brian and Sandra.

Good work, Stephen.

Beautiful atmospheric watercolour, Stephen. I’ve been up to the top of Fleetwith Pike, and the view over Buttermere is magnificent.

Very nice - atmospheric.

Many thanks for your encouraging comments, Cesare, Chandra and Maureen, much appreciated.

I like this a lot Stephen

Many thanks Russell.

Super piece Stephen!

Beautifully done Stephen lovely sky

Hang on Studio Wall

Todays effort at the art group. From a photo of a lovely painting by Edward Wesson, whose work is always aninspiration.

About the Artist
Stephen Slater

I am a self taught amateur painter, I mostly paint landscapes in watercolour but I 'dabble' in other mediums from time to time. I really enjoy my art, especially painting outdoors when the weather allows.

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