Cottage, Healds Green

Cottage, Healds Green

lovely painting Stephen x

Love the addition of the two benches - it is touches like that which make these village scenes come to life.

many thanks once again Thea.

Good strong composition helps make this - like the format

Where's the rain Stephen, didn't everyone have rain yesterday? Lovely 'sunny' painting Stephen and I like the treatment of the windows.

Many thanks Michael and Fiona. We were quite lucky with the weather, it had rained in the morning but brightened up by the time we met. It was a bit windy though and my sketchbook page kept blowing over! Should have took an elastic band with me!

I think the addition of the benches adds atmosphere to this beautiful painting, Stephen. Well done!

Many thanks for your encouraging comments Mia.

Simple yet lovely in all its clarity. Super work, Stephen!

Many thanks for your kind remarks Seok.

Hang on Studio Wall

I painted this earlier today on a sketching trip with our art group. A lovely little village, surrounded by modern urban 'sprawl'.

About the Artist
Stephen Slater

I am a self taught amateur painter, I mostly paint landscapes in watercolour but I 'dabble' in other mediums from time to time. I really enjoy my art, especially painting outdoors when the weather allows.

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