Antarctica, approaching the Palmer Peninsular.

Antarctica, approaching the Palmer Peninsular.

It's lovely Linda. Very nice reflections.

It has worked well Linda, and I like the pink.

Beautiful painting Linda

So you did go for the gum Arabic after all Linda, a great result and painted with some enthusiasm I feel. You opted for a more photographic approach which has worked out well.

Many thanks Henry, Sylvia, Dennis and Alan. Your positive comments are much appreciated. Perhaps I will do more watercolours after all.

Lots of fine structures in this piece Linda.

Thank you for noticing John.

Wow Linda, it looks great. Quite a challenge in watercolour with all those darks and stark whites. You pulled it off extremely well.

Many thanks Sharon.

Splendid watercolour Linda

Thank you Dermot.

Thanks for the comments on my latest Linda , I used Ultramarine ,raw sienna , burnt umber on that painting .... I have introduced a couple of new colours into my work though as they are fabulous colours .... Golden ochre , Quinicridne gold , Naples yellow ...

Can feel the cold here. Fabulous!!

Great painting Linda! Love especially the lost and found edges as well as the sun lit areas.

Praise indeed from you Cristof.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour, taken from photo I took in Antarctica. I used extra gum arabic for the reflections and rock.

About the Artist
Linda Wilson

Since retiring from a career in education and training management, I returned to art after a gap of 40 years. Now I travel was much as I can with my husband and take an enormous amount of photographs, some of which I use as reference photos. Meanwhile, I take a weekly course in portraiture and…

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