Relaxing in the sun

Greyie in garden

Good sketch, Sarah. Always difficult to sketch dogs and cats from true life!

A lovely little sketch Sarah.

I like this, tricky as they are never still!

Great sketch Sarah.

Really love this sketch Sarah- they are so hard to capture as they are rarely still for long- but you’ve done it beautifully

Thank you so much David, Chris, Heather, Denise, Faye and Rachel. Like all cats, he can stay in one position for ages but as soon as I move in for a sketch or photo he moves!

Just lovely Sarah.

Great sketch Sarah, the movement adds to it.

Thank you so much Rikke and Katy!

Hang on Studio Wall

Quick sketches of my cat relaxing in the sun last week. As you can see he moved as soon as I started drawing him. As if he knew!

About the Artist
Sarah Crouch

Hello, I am from South Derbyshire. I always loved drawing as a child but only took it up again a few years ago. I love wildlife, the countryside, history and of course art and painting. I studied Biology but currently work at a local studies library. I am hoping to improve my painting and am glad I…

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