Yelvertoft - view from back bedroom. Urban Sketch.

Yelvertoft - view from back bedroom. Urban Sketch.

First of all, well done for getting started. The articles were interesting and though I haven't done any sketching outdoors yet I have tried to sketch something each day. I like best the P.O. And the winding lane ( can't go back and look at titles yet or I'll lose the comment, which has happened already). I like the mark making too, those in themselves are interesting so I wouldn't say they are too detailed. As you do more I'm sure your style will change naturally with experience. Your doing a good job so far.

That should read " You're doing a good job...."

Thank you Marjorie, Jenny, Gudrun and Sylvia for your very encouraging comments...I will keep at it! For one thing, it is very enjoyable and I can see it fitting in well with my painting, which is another step.

Saw the articles and can't quite understand why they are now calling them Urban drawings - not all the drawings are urban and many of us have been drawing loosely like this for years and we've called them sketches!. Anyway that aside these are super quickhand (is there such a word?) sketches and I love the free spontaneous way you have captured the scenes.

Thanks for your encouragement Michael. I agree with your observations regarding sketching - I think 'Urban Sketching' has evolved as a movement because the enthusiasts have mainly come from large conurbations around the world. I had never heard of it before reading the articles and doing so has prompted me to go out and do some 'live' sketching, rather than relying on photographs, which I admit as a predominantly self-taught (since 'A' Level) artist I have done up until now. I think it can only be a good thing if it encourages more of us to do the same - but I agree....there is nothing new under the sun!

Hang on Studio Wall

Fourth attempt using same materials - cheap A4 sketchbook and black gel pen. I had to work quickly on this as it was late afternoon and getting about 30mins. Have decided I'm trying to cram in too much detail, so will try and simplify future drawings. Any comments on these drawings welcome...............

About the Artist
Anthony Haigh

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