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So unusual and intriguing Satu, a great painting I like the different facial expressions.

Very unusual Satu, can't decide whether it's a little disturbing.....that's what art's about, making you think.

Thank you very much Carole, Marjorie and Ivan for your kind comments! Marjorie, I wanted it to be a bit disturbing because the old dolls are scary somehow..

Lovely painting it has an eerie quality Satu , it has a very modern feel about it and all in all its lovely.

Thank you very much Dennis for your kind words, much appreciated.

Really like this one Satu. So different and original. As well as the interesting doll shapes, that vertical dash of turquoise on the left and the two strokes of red just make it for me!

Great subject Satu and a good rendition

I'm not keen on dolls Satu, but I do like how you have used them for the subject of your work. It's thought provoking and has made me study all the faces and expressions, plus the reasons behind them being chosen as a subject. I've spent more time looking at this, over a couple of days, than perhaps the previous dozen pages. Thank you also for your comment, I don't seem to know what I'm doing, or where I'm going at the moment with painting. Just splashing it about and enjoying the ride! I should knuckle down and get serious I Glad you've got back into it Satu, your work has been missed.

Many many thanks Louise, Derek and Fiona for your comments and encouragement. Those dolls are a bit scary because they are old from a different era and now they are just sitting in a vitrine, forgotten. I found them fascinating and wanted to give them another "life" on canvas. Fiona, enjoy the ride and don't think about serious!

Really different and visually stunning

Thank you very much Dermot!

Your creativity knows no bounds, Satu! Wonderful walk down memory lane, conveyed with such artistic panache. Lovely, lovely work. By coincidence, I just took some photos of some of my old toys from an old toy cabinet in our old house with a view to painting them. The things that appeal to artists!

Thank you very much Seok for your lovely comment! Looking forward to seeing your toys!

Hang on Studio Wall

I visited a wonderful toy museum this summer in Porvoo, Finland and the owner said that I can take as many photos as I want. So I did and here is the result of one of them. It's acrylic on canvas and fairly big.

About the Artist
Satu Vartiainen

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