Plockton and Loch Carron

Plockton and Loch Carron

I like the streaks of light in the sky as well as the panoramic format, which i think works well with these subjects.

Posted by K 0 on Sat 25 Jan 15:04:06

Its another great one Sandra, with your excellent mountains and lovely water as well

A great pic of Plockton. This view is incredibly popular.

Lovely panaroma - full of light and done with a light touch as well. Often these scenes are portrayed in dark, strong colours as befits mountains, etc - but your more gentle approach works equally as well.

Thanks all, I'm pleased with the panorama format on this one, I'm trying to use the light touch more often.

Hang on Studio Wall

Plockton and Loch Carron watercolour, painted on Saunders Waterford Rough in bright white, I chose the panoramic format to limit the extent of loch and to show the width of the bay.

About the Artist
Sandra Hugill

Hello, I live in The Highlands of Scotland close to Loch Ness (not seen Nessie yet), and love painting the mountain landscape around me. A love I learned from my early life living close to The Lake District

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