Snow Showers over Knoydart from Loch Loyne

Snow Showers over Knoydart from Loch Loyne

Wonderful clean and sharply definited painting. I do like the quality of the light in it - great work.

Great light and clouds.

Posted by K 0 on Wed 26 Feb 18:53:19
Hang on Studio Wall

Ventured up the A87 recently, and the snow on the mountains was very Alpine, succumbed to this painting from the just below the lay bye view point above Loch Loyne. Used a lot of licence with the conifers and missed a lot of them out. Painted on NOT paper size 20"x 8".

About the Artist
Sandra Hugill

Hello, I live in The Highlands of Scotland close to Loch Ness (not seen Nessie yet), and love painting the mountain landscape around me. A love I learned from my early life living close to The Lake District

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