Sunrise at Dittisham,River Dart,Devon

Sunrise at Dittisham,River Dart,Devon

If this is your first oil painting you are well on the road to success, take it from me. Very well done

I agree with Max. Really well done for your first oil painting.

Yes, indeed - let's see more...

Your FIRST??? Aaargh..... I think that's extraordinary - have you painted in acrylic before? Well, you must have done, because if this is your first painting ever, I'm giving up... Very good work, congratulations; there'll be no holding you.

Hi Rosalinda, as everyone above has said, a very good "first" for oil paints. I love the water, reflections and the boats, and the way you have repeated the sky colours in the water. I love painting seascapes and only work in oils, so may I make a suggestion that hopefully will help you? May I introduce you to the Fan brush, one of my most favourite of all brushes, try it on a similar sky to this one, and use it to gently blend one colour into the next, I think you will like the result. Well done.

I like the streaks in the sky; I wouldn't alter it at all. A very nice atmospheric painting. There seems to be some white spots on it; is it reflections from a glass or maybe a dusty camera lens?

thanks for all your kind really is my first oil,so thanks mum for the starter set of paints...!I know nothing about how to use them,and as I had ruined the canvas by trying to seal it with pva glue in the freezing cold,I thought I would share my attempt through a set of blogs... It all started under a blog called A fresh start.....there are the other stages there and photos,after all,the canvas was ruined,so I had nothing left to loose by sharing the fun I had doing this.Thanks for your suggestions..a fan brush sounds such fun...a trip out tomorrow I think !

Hang on Studio Wall

on the river dart,two sailing boats rest before adventuring around the coastline as the sun rises over the river.My first oil painting.....!

About the Artist
rosalinda wofford

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