Old Barn.

Old Barn

This is indeed very sunny, Stephen. Well painted!

Great Stephen. Love the way you've painted the tree.

A lovely sketch

Lovely work!

Many thanks Mia, Lewis, Heather, Stephen & Ross.

Sunny, good shadows and love the faded distance…

A lovely watercolour

Lovely use of light and shade on the main tree, makes it very realistic and gives a good balance to the painting.

Nice painting Stephen and I love your painting of the tree particularly

Many thanks Carole, Lynda, Stephen, Christine & Willie.

Wonderful; and I do like the tree especially!

Quality sketching Stephen

Excellent work Stephen, especially that tree.

This is lovely Stephen. I particularly like the tree and the details on the building.

Hang on Studio Wall
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Sketching on a sunny day.

About the Artist
Stephen Kelly

My Father was an artist and I wanted to follow in his footsteps but sadly he died when I was 8 which changed everything. When it was time to earn a living, Uncle Norman said " I'll get you a job Lad" so I became an apprentice photo retoucher, not fine art but a job. The work was intimidating as…

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