First stage, work in progress

First stage, work in progress

Do you know, I rather like it as it is. Am I strange? However, I shall follow your progress. I am sure I shall learn something that will help my foray into oils ....

This looks very intriguing - I shall watch it's progress with interest.

Looks promising, I already like the sky and the light glistening on the water. Will keep watching!

Gudrun, I would happily sell it to you as it is! Think of the work it would save..... Still, if your cheque doesn't arrive in the post I suppose I'd better crack on with it: I've run out of Calor gas until tomorrow - so cold the paint is congealing.... so you've got a day or two!

He he Robert! That's a typical you introduction to this wip of yours, I must have a look on your website at how it's going on, thanks for taking a look at my latest pastel work Carl and the Tiger, the photo of that scene was amazing, certainly not something we would see over here! Just imagine a zoo in this country starting to offer photo's taken in the Tigers cage petting them, just after that photo was taken the Tiger got grumpy and stood up abruptly and snarled! a keeper made sure sure Carl was out of the way but he was still in the cage! He said he suddenly found religion! Anyway I digress, thanks again for leaving a comment, bye for now

Hang on Studio Wall

I thought I'd use the Flake White I've managed to lay my hands on in order to paint a picture the way I used to paint it, in glazes over a more or less monochrome underpainting. This is actually stage 2 - I'm going to show all the stages on my blog at Even if it all goes horribly wrong.... Sheer, raw, naked courage, you see. Knew you'd be impressed.

About the Artist
Robert Jones, Napa

Born November 18th 1950. Former party political agent, former chairman of housing association. Has worked as a volunteer with the NHS since 2000, painting seriously for the last ten years, sporadically for the last 50. Member, National Association of Painters in Acrylic from October 2015.…

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More by Robert Jones, Napa