The Path

The Path

Your style shines through....... another brilliant sky, and I love that bush in the foreground casting the deep purple shadow that zings with the yellow green.

I could recognize your style everywhere. I love the way you paint trees, grasses and bushes, be it in watercolour or acrylic. I am so glad I saw your painting amongst the THOUSAND Yam paintings all around you.

I've missed a lot of yours recently and have just been over them. They are truly excellent. If I had a cap handy I'd doff it.

True to your style, I like the dark and light battle. Another keeper. It really stood out amongst the Seoks.

Thanks for your comments on my post 'Night Lit Bastions'. The project comprises of about 4 refernece photos which I worked on and I created a kind of collage. Those are bastions situated in the capital city of Valletta on the island of Malta. I did pass my examination!!! I went through your portofolio and I 'envy' your trees and greenery in watercolour, never can get this result.

Really nice... could almost be in a proper medium ;). Seriously very nice...

Ade Brownlow, thou art a tease.... Thank you all.

Hang on Studio Wall

38 by 28cm, on Bockingford Rough. Another "black hole" painting really; tried to break a few cherished watercolour rules with this, and to emphasize how strong watercolour can be (even though as an observer, I prefer the more delicate examples). See more about it on my blogspot,, and please comment on anything you find there. All welcome.

About the Artist
Robert Jones, Napa

Born November 18th 1950. Former party political agent, former chairman of housing association. Has worked as a volunteer with the NHS since 2000, painting seriously for the last ten years, sporadically for the last 50. Member, National Association of Painters in Acrylic from October 2015.…

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More by Robert Jones, Napa