An Evening Scene

An Evening Scene

What a happy gallery you have Rebecca. You are really enjoying your watercolours. Well done you.

Thank you so such Sylvia for commenting, i really appreciate it and am pleased you like my work. I do more watercolours than anything else as they dry quickly :-) acrylics are great too. This picture is oil pastel, but oil pastels can be a bit too vivid for my liking at times.

You do figures really well and getting them the right size to the composition of the painting, well done.

:-) thank you Glennis, that means alot to me, as quite often i am told perspective Rebecca, perspective, :-o as you will tell if you look at my killer bird of a robin :-) thank you for your comments.

Hang on Studio Wall

This is an evening scene out of my head using oil pastels.

About the Artist
Rebecca Louise Saunders

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