grey headed bullfinch

grey headed bullfinch

Lovely illustrative watercolour Pratim, glad you are keeping your backgrounds minimal as it helps the viewer to focus in on detail.

Thanks Joseph Broderick for the appreciation... You are the first one who noticed the real reason of minimal background work...most of them asked why I dont made some background work with detail...

It looks proud and strong, and I agree with Joseph, the background is lovely and wouldn't need anything else!

Thanks Jenny Moed-Korpela ... Plz surf my other works and folders...

Hang on Studio Wall

PAKHI DEKHUN PAKHI CHINUN # 331 (Observe the Bird and recognize)..GREY HEADED BULLFINCH...[From a Photograph of SUGATA GOSWAMI] ....WATERCOLOUR...A4...2014... The Grey-headed Bullfinch (Pyrrhula erythaca) is a species of finch in the Fringillidae family. It is found in Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Taiwan. Its natural habitats are boreal forests and temperate forests. The taxonomy was described in 2001 by Arnaiz-Villena et al. All birds belonging to the genus Pyrrhula have a common ancestor in the Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator). The Grey-headed Bullfinch is a small (17 cm) bird with a gray back, head and nape. The male of Taiwan's owstoni subspecies is lavender-gray below, sometimes with a pinkish or buffy tint on the breast, rather than deep orange-brown as in the mainland subspecies. The face, wings and tail are black. In flight, the grayish-white wing-bar and white rump are conspicuous. The female is browner below and darker gray on the head and nape. The Grey-headed Bullfinch feeds on seeds and cones, and in winter is usually found in small flocks. The call has been described as a soft yifu, yifu.

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Pratim Das

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