Summer Walk With Swallows


Very nice work Graham, the light and tonal values are excellent!

Great to see this sunlit painting on a grey morning. So well painted.

It's lovely John, smashing use of greens

Love the composition and movement John. In fact very good altogether

Love how the painting invites the viewer into such a delightful place John. Oh for the joys of summer.

Love this John…..the sunshine, the shadows and especially the swallows. A perfect summer experience.

A beautifully inviting sunlit scene, John.

Lovely summery scene and the swallows really appear to be swooping up and down in your painting.

How lovely to see the swallows darting about John. Wonderful depth, light, shade and colours. Perfect!

What a lovely thought John. Your painting has the feel of a perfect day, it’s peaceful and calming. I’d love to be there - but I am in a way.

Lovely composition, light and textures. Beautifully done, John.

This is lovely John, lovely summer feel and the depth created

Thank you all for your feedback and comments it is very much appreciated .

Hang on Studio Wall

Studio painting from a small sketch. A favourite walk, always with swallows about in the summer time. Oil on canvas, size 24x18 inches.

About the Artist
John Graham Inkson

Life From The Easel. As an artist I see my self as an all rounder. Ive worked with all the painting mediums, as well as silk screen printing, ceramics, small sculptures, sign writing, murals, graphic design and digital art. I went to Cardiff University to do graphic design rather than do a fine…

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