Girl with turban

Girl with turban

Lovely folds in the material, looks like a silky shiny material, well captured Petra.

Many thanks Carole, I love the texture of the velour paper

She has a lovely gentle look Petra.

Thank you very much Louise

Lovely work, Petra! And happy new year!

Beautiful portrait of a lovely looking little girl Petra! I have never heard of velour paper, must have a look.

Many thanks Seok and Satu. Happy new year! Satu you should try the paper, lovely texture but use it with pastels pencils and/or hard pastels, doesnt have the grip for soft pastels :)

Very compelling eyes and such a direct gaze. Beautiful portrait of this stunning girl.

Thank you very much Thea, much appreciated

Fascinating to read your take on Velour paper Petra, I bought some and then didn't persevere with it because I didn't like the struggle to get fine details, it seems to have worked beautifully for you here with this portrait, great work on her facial features and robes and on the amount of hair that is showing, I wonder if you would have chosen this paper if you had shown all of her hair

Thank you Ros for your very kind comment, I feel that the trick with this paper it 's painting with pencils and hard pastels, doesnt get enough grip for soft pastels, I also love painting on colourfix, sanded paper, great for soft pastels. I enjoy changing mediums and textures, it is fun.

Hang on Studio Wall

Pastel on velour paper. 20 x 30 cm

About the Artist
Petra Palmeri

General Practitioner and Artist based in Guernsey, Channel Islands. Petra holds a particular interest in still life and animals. Some of her paintings have been published in "Artist and Illustrators" and ‘The Artist’ magazines.

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