Marbles and glass bowl

Marbles and glass bowl

lovely photo-realistic oil painting Petra, lovely light and shadow work and the lovely dashes of colour in the marbles

TYou have captured the reflections beautifully, I've been trying to paint sweets inside plastic and glass and find it very tricky!!!

Another good one in your marbles series Petra, they really shine in this one.

Marbelous. I know; unimaginative. But superlatives are running out with regard to your marbles and reflections.

Thank you Ros, Jane, Val and Gudrun for your very kind comments

There's a new word for us, 'marbelous'!!

They just get better and better

Thank you Louise and Glennis.//Gudrun and Louise - love the new word "marbelous" :)

Your skill at this type of painting always amazes me. Another great addition to your gallery.

Thank you very much Thea, I always appreciate your comments

Hang on Studio Wall

Oil on canvas. 50 x 40 cms

About the Artist
Petra Palmeri

General Practitioner and Artist based in Guernsey, Channel Islands. Petra holds a particular interest in still life and animals. Some of her paintings have been published in "Artist and Illustrators" and ‘The Artist’ magazines.

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